Thursday, May 5, 2011


Today is my birthday.  I turned 22.  But having a birthday the week before finals week sucks because no one really wants to celebrate with you.  I wanted to plan something big - like going out to dinner with a bunch of friends and having quality time with them.  A birthday card in the mail today would be nice.  When I was little, my great aunt Arlene sent me a card every year and always enclosed a check, which was just for like $5.  But she was amazing, it always arrived on my birthday.

I miss having birthday parties where all of my family would come.  I guess that's one of the greatest joys of having 2/3 sets of grandparents, 2 of my dad's 4 siblings and all of my mom's siblings at one point or another living in the same vicinity.

On my 6th birthday, my mom made pink vests for each of my guests.  We got to decorate them with beads, lace and ribbon.  That was my first slumber-party.  My dad took John camping and Michael stayed with us because he was too little to go camping.  

When I was 16, I planned a Mexican food themed party and the only people that were able to come were the grandparents.  And at the time, I hated listening to them talk about RV-ing and gold mining.  I was so excited to leave and pick up my brothers from their sports practice/working for Mr. Beeson, but today, I'd love to listen to that.

This summer, I have decided that I would like to make homemade birthday cards and envelopes and send them all of my family and friends who would like one.  What is better than receiving (non-bill-related) mail on your birthday?  In my honest opinion, absolutely nothing!  If all 63 people who wrote "happy birthday" on my facebook wall thus far sent me a birthday card, I would be ecstatic.  So, I propose, instead of (or in addition to) use the USPS and send old fashioned birthday cards (homemade are preferable and a little cheaper) to those you love.  Handmade, I estimate you can make and send them for about a $1, especially if you are reusing materials that had another purpose - old calendars, old birthday cards, magazines etc.

So, if you would like a birthday card from me in the next year, send me your address and birth date, and I'll see what I can do.

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