Tuesday, January 17, 2012


The first day of classes is the day after tomorrow.  This is my last first day ever of this undergraduate degree.  I'm so nervous.  Mostly, I'm fearing failure.  Mind over matter, Mercedes, mind over matter.  I WILL pass each of my classes.  And I WILL pass all of them with a B or greater.  I WILL not be retaking any courses next semester, because I want to be done. 

As much as I anticipate graduation, I fear that I won't be able to find a job.  A master's degree doesn't really interest me all that much.  I just don't see the desire to be so distinguished in one field.  Except nursing, and I can't do that yet.  I still may apply for the associate's nursing program here in Fairbanks.  It would be nice to have that degree done.  If I really can't find any employment, I plan on taking the CNA course this fall.  It's only 6 weeks 8-5 and I would be eligible to take the exam for my CNA license, which would give me a full time job in the field. 

But I'm crazy nervous about O Chem II.  I haven't taken any chemistry since 2009, and it's definitely a subject you need to continue using to remember.  I've been reviewing the book as much as I can.  I've already told a friend of mine that I will be using his chemistry knowledge as my tutor.  And I plan to meet with my instructor every week.  I really, really, really need to pass this class.  There is no way I would not hate myself if I had to go into a sixth year. 

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